Color trend 2024/2025
When expectations become reality!
Every year, our “color mentors”, WGSN and COLORO are inspired by consumer behavior in relation to changes in the world, to create and launch the colors of the next year.
Coloro, "anticipates and creates" the future of colors - and WGSN - predicts and launches consumer and design trends -, the tones were launched at the beginning of 2022, and are now highlights as the new spring season approaches -summer 2024-25.
There are 5 colors that reflect a climate of realignment, changes in society and technology. The warning comes to self-care, connection, living in community and respect. It's a relationship between the real world vs the digital world!
Warm and cold, soft and vivid, light and dark colors. If you have already done the personal coloring test and have “your” season defined, ask an image and style consultant to help you create looks for the day with the colors that are most harmonious with your beauty and how to use seasonal colors. opposites and that you love.
Colors: Radiant Red
With Radiant Red's sweet, stimulating qualities it is pure romance. Protagonist in the Primavera palette - Clear, Warm and Viva, it is delicate and, at the same time, bold. It has the intensity and light necessary for warmer spring and summer days. Use softer textures to withstand high temperatures. When combined with other intense and warm tones, it creates an incredible look.
In the springs, color is released from head to toe. It's worth the look and accessories and, of course, it harmonizes with makeup and nail polish, too.
Radiant Red is warm, so it harmonizes with Autumn (Dark, Soft and Warm), too. Simply adapt the TIP to a darker, more opaque tone. Accessories with “vibration” are good options for a more discreet look.

As for the cold seasons - Winters and Summers - Radiant Red is too “orange” and this would cause disharmony with either of these two seasons. If you want to use it, the best way is to keep it in smaller proportions in the look, such as skirt, pants and shorts, this will avoid a temperature shock in your image. Accessories are great options here. In summers, complicity is clear in depth, "causes less", but still, "yellows" this beauty. Combine with other lighter and colder tones! Makeup doesn't look good in any of the cold seasons, so avoid it as much as possible!
With very different TIPs, Autumns, Summers and Winters need to adapt Radiant Red to their look. For Autumns, the vibration has a negative impact on the look, therefore, it is necessary to go darker. Using pieces with opaque textures helps to increase depth and reduce/remove shine.
For equally opaque summers, Radiant Red is only compatible in light depth. Use in combination with a cool, soft color. Opting for pieces on the lower part of the body is ideal, as are accessories!
Winters are undervalued at maximum level with such a warm and light color. Accessories away from the face are the best option. If you want to use it in your clothes, choose a smaller piece to maintain harmony with your colder, darker beauty.

Colors: Cyber Lime
Cyber Lime is pure boldness! Few seasons carry this vibe! Of the 5 WGSN + Coloro shades, it is the most vibrant! This means that Summers and Autumns should be used with caution. Cyber Lime is the face of summer, hot days that call for the beach, sun and an ice pop to cool off. Want to know how to use it?

Cyber Lime is the force between the energy of the body and mind. Bright neon green signifies the powerful connection between nature and technology.
Present in the winter palettes (Cold, Bright and Dark), it makes the look stand out, impossible to go unnoticed.
The monochromatic look is divine and super harmonious, contrasting combinations are ideal, but it's worth using a neutral as an ally so it doesn't stand out so much! Accessories and eye makeup. They are a must have!
Keeping the temperature cold, summers (Light, Cold and Mild) benefit from it in a more discreet mood to harmonize with the beauty of this season. Lower the intensity, making it clearer and more harmonious. In the original intensity of the color, far from the face it is. best choice. Accessories are welcome and makeup should be very subtle.
Springs are favored by intensity, Hot springs to a lesser extent so as not to "clash" with its coldness; in Clara, soften and lighten; and Viva, if you combine warm and contrasting colors, the look will be cool!
Autumns, "very calm at this time"! The medium-dark depth, but cold, does not favor anything here. The best option is to use it on pieces that are far from the face, combine with warm and earthy tones or “appeal” to accessories. Don't even think about makeup with Cyber Lime, okay?
Colors: Elemental Blue
Elemental Blue is considered a neutral that is present in the palette of the cold seasons - Winters and Summers.
It confirms the continuation of refined mid-tone colors that speak of a calmer lifestyle and sensory awareness. She seeks a balance between work, internet and possessions, representing a need for stability and moderation.
It is available for winter looks, accessories and makeup. Combine it with a more intense color and knock it out!
In summers, this medium tonality is harmonious, too. Just like in winters, it is part of the neutrals. Combine with other lighter, softer colors in your look and accessories.

For spring this color is "very blue". The intensity is very low and gray, characteristics that do not favor these warmer, golden seasons!
In autumns, Elemental Blue is not the best option - too blue and cold! The dark depth benefits, minimally, the Dark Autumn, but avoid leaving it close to the face. Combine with other warmer darks to maintain harmony with your beauty. In Hot and Gentle, use on the lower part of the body and/or accessories. When it comes to makeup, don’t even think about it!
In the ColoRir Palette Cards, available for purchase on the Drops de Cor website, Elemental Blue is among the winter and summer neutrals. It has a medium depth and is differentiated between bright (Winters) and soft (Summers) intensities with the use of shiny and satiny textures in Winters and more opaque fabrics, such as linen, for example, in Summers.
In the case of hot seasons, the texture of the piece also makes a difference. In spring, which carries the same intensity, but is more golden, shiny fabrics are very flattering. Combine with warm and vibrant tones and “burst” the coldness of Elemental Blue in your image. In autumn, dull textures are better, but opt for a color below par and combine with tones that enhance this warmer, more opaque beauty.

In the top 5 of WGSN + Coloro, the warmest and most opaque color, which will greatly enhance and benefit autumn, is undoubtedly Nutshell. Which, like Elemental Blue, is considered a warm neutral and is present in the 3 Autumn cards (Dark, Soft and Warm).
And to complete the joy of these seasons, the tone continues to be on the rise for the entire year, at least it was one of the protagonist tones in several brands at the 2023 Fashion Weeks. Come see:

Autumns dominate the Nutshell! Without a doubt, it looks divine in any mood for these seasons. In a monochromatic look, combining with other warm, dark and earthy tones and, of course, in a printed look, such as animal print, very easy to find, a medium-dark background to harmonize with autumn. Here, anything goes: clothes, accessories, makeup and nail polish. Play!
Springs should “light up” the Nutshell. For these lighter and more vibrant seasons, it serves as a neutral, as long as you regulate and adapt the TIP, ok? If you use the original tone, choose to leave it on the lower part of the body, so as not to weigh down your beauty, or your accessories.
Winters and summers are too cold, and the Nutshell doesn't do any favors here, on the contrary, it yellows and leaves a "sick" appearance. Use in smaller proportions, preferably on the lower part of the body or on accessories, which are already a good size.
Soft and delicate! Defined by the WGSN+Coloro partnership, as a “sweet color that connects you to feelings” and is enough to make the season for consumers much more peaceful and harmonious. It will be the trigger to bring you calm in moments of anxiety, improving well-being and slowing down our perception of time. Fondant Pink is that warm hug from a mother!
Cold, clear and soft, that is, it is the protagonist in the 3 Summer cards (Cold, Clear and Soft). It is worth using from head to toe, in a monochromatic look, with other combinations of pastel tones, in makeup, which adds subtlety and femininity to a woman's image, as well as a romantic and innocent touch.

Winters take advantage of the coldness of Fondant Pink, but to harmonize with the beauty of these seasons you need to darken it. A gradient look, with shine or darker and more intense colors make winters more harmonious and with their beauty contrasting and highlighted. Take advantage of the sophisticated and vibrant colors to create incredible and fresh looks for the spring-summer 2024-25 season.
Fondant Pink in winter makeup can be accompanied by a darker tone to harmonize better. Accessories, released!
Primaveras, especially Clara, favors the tone as it has the same depth. In Quente and Viva you need to warm it up or choose to use it on the lower part of the body in harmony with a more favorable color (warm and vibrant). In makeup, combine warm tones and in accessories, use is free!
The beauty of Autumn does not match pink “per se”. In the cold and pure version, it is non-existent in the palettes of these 3 warm and dark seasons, only the soft intensity is compatible, but that is not enough. Warm and darken the Fondant Pink.

Use combining colors from the 3 palettes and according to the Autumn TIP - Warm, Soft and Dark. That, yes, will harmonize with this beauty. In the original tone, Fondant Pink should be on the lower part of the body or accessories. In makeup, stay away from this shade!
We are delighted with the top 5 partnership between WGSN and Coloro. These are incredibly beautiful tones that are easy to adapt to the look of the 12 seasons of the expanded seasonal method. It has colors and TIP for summers, winters, springs and autumns!